
È Morto tra i massimi esponenti dell’arte concettuale l’artista Lawrence Weiner

Il ricordo di Gallery Marian Goodman e il Gallerista Partenopeo Alfonso Artiaco

La galleria americana Marian Goodman

“Siamo profondamente addolorati di informarvi della morte del nostro amico e artista Lawrence Weiner”. Con queste parole la Gallery Marian Goodman, ha annunciato la scomparsa dell’artista tra i massimi esponenti dell’arte concettuale l’artista Lawrence Weiner.

In Memoriam: Lawrence Weiner

Our fellow artist and dear friend, Lawrence Weiner, has passed at the age of 79. A force of conceptual art, Lawrence gained international recognition for the use of language as his primary medium. He proposed a new relationship to art and redefined the position of the artist, and his works demonstrated the power of language worldwide.

Il ricordo di Alfonso Artiaco all’artista Lawrence Weiner 1942 – 2021

I am deeply sorry about the loss of a great friend and an outstanding conceptual artist active since the 1960s, who with his unmistakable formal language, which oscillates between the poetic and the political, helped pioneer the conceptual art movement. I am grateful for our long lasted friendship and in these sad moments my thoughts are with Alice, Kirsten and all his family, with his friends and all his staff.

Ciao Lawrence.

Alfonso Artiaco

Lawrence Weiner nacque nel Bronks a New York, nel  ‘42, Weiner, insieme a Sol LeWitt e Joseph Kosuth è stato tra i massimi esponenti dell’arte concettuale.